Sunday, 27 March 2022 | 08:00-12:00
LAB01 - How to intubate almost any exotic companion animal
Avian and Exotic Animal Care, Raleigh, United States of America
Endotracheal intubation provides airway control and improves patient safety. However, small exotic mammals – especially rabbits and rodents – can seem nearly impossible to intubate. Lab participants will learn how to overcome these obstacles to intubation.
Didactic lecture will be followed by on-screen demonstration of rabbit/rodent glottal anatomy and various blind and visual intubation techniques including blind intubation with and without a tracheal guide (catheter or wire), direct visual intubation using laryngoscope or otoscope, side-by-side intubation with the aid of an endoscope, and over-the-endoscope intubation. Participants will then practice these on rabbit cadavers and a variety of other small exotic mammal cadavers.