
Theme I – Classical activities of botanic gardens


  1. BGs as living treasuries – maintenance and development of living collections
  2. BGs as green laboratories – scientific activities and research infrastructure
  3. BGs as experience-based class-rooms – education activities and infrastructure
  4. BGs as custodians of biodiversity – conservation activities, saving endangered species, gene banking
  5. BGs as perpetuators of cultural heritage
  6. BGs as eco-attractions – recreation areas, touristic activities and operations, visitor experience and comfort

Theme II – Present ages’ challenges for botanic gardens


  1. BGs and the policy environment: responses to directives, initiatives, declarations, etc.
  2. BGs and global change: responses to climate change, species migration, invasiveness, etc.
  3. BGs for food security and plant resources: responses to food supply and safety issues, CWR, etc.
  4. BGs in their social context: responses to social exclusion / inclusion, working with disadvantaged communities etc.

Theme III – Colourful co-operation and synergies with    thematic gardens


  1. BGs as/and historic gardens
  2. BGs and public parks, urban green infrastructure
  3. BGs and zoological gardens
  4. BGs and utility gardens – medicine, fruit, vegetables as well as community gardens, etc.
  5. BGs and special gardens for human mind and psyche – school gardens, therapy gardens, spiritual gardens, etc.
  6. BGs as field for art and culture activities

In this Topic we call for oral and poster presentations about any kind of activities where BGs have direct contribution(s) to different thematic gardens, e.g. mutual programmes, projects, cooperation, etc.

Theme IV – Planta Europa dedicated session

European Plant Conservation in a changing world

  1. Looking back and beyond: The past and the future of Planta Europa
  2. The EPCS as a regional response to the GSPC: what has been done and what remains to do
  3. The 2021-2030 action plan for PLANTA EUROPA: towards an updated EPCS